
Cosmetics Ingredients: What — and How Much Of It — Is Really In a Product?

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Marcie Mom from EczemaBlues.com interviews Laura, CEO of VMV Hypoallergenics, to find out more about product claims and why they’re important when choosing your skin care…particularly if you or your child has eczema. Q: Is the Ingredients List on cosmetics packaging compulsory and regulated? Does the it cover all ingredients? Or can companies pick and choose what they want to reveal? A: In many countries, cosmetics are regulated […]

Do Cosmetics Expire?

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by Laura Verallo de Bertotto One of the most frequent questions I get from friends is: can I still use a product if it’s past its expiration date? Do cosmetics really expire? The short answer is…very often, yes! In our home, we frequently, and happily, use “expired” stock for a few reasons, some of which you might find […]

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