
Get A Patch Test Or Photo-Patch Test

skinchallenge day8

This is one test that can change your life. If you’ve had skin problems for years, a patch test is one of the most powerful tools to help you finally achieve clarity. This painless procedure shows you exactly which ingredients or materials you, in particular, are sensitive or allergic to. A photo-patch test is similar but shows […]

Bright Lights, Big Problem: What Is Causing Your Hyperpigmentation?

WhatIsCausingYourHyperpigmentation 20151028

Treatment + Prevention = Clarity. While deeper skin tones can be more prone to hyperpigmentations because the melanocytes of darker skin produce more melanin, discolorations can occur in all skin phototypes. The top cause: exposure to sun and light, including indoor lights, TV/stage lights, and computer/gadget screens. Even heat from cooking, fireplaces, and saunas can […]

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