
Is “Non-Comedogenic” Important for Eczema?

Blog NonComedogenic EssSoapPebbles 20190521

Marcie Mom from EczemaBlues.com interviews Laura, CEO of VMV Hypoallergenics, to find out more about product claims and why they’re important when choosing your skin care…particularly if you or your child have eczema. Non-Comedogenic Q: I noticed that your products are listed as ‘non-comedogenic.’ Can you explain what this means? A: Non-comedogenic means that a formulation will not clog pores, which […]

INFINITY STONES: Allergen or Not An Allergen?

AllergenNotAllergen30 2019 InfinityStones 29032019

Not An Allergen…but a Strong Irritant SPOILERS ahead for Avengers: End Game. If you have not seen the movie, stop reading here. Infinity Stones Infinity stones are extremely dangerous, but we feel that they are more likely to be irritants than allergens. Irritants should not be thought of as less bothersome than allergens. In fact, irritants can […]

VITAMIN B: Allergen or Not An Allergen?

AllergenNotAllergen29 2019 VitaminB 29032019

Not An Allergen Vitamin B While not a common contact allergen, there may be reason to “B” cautious. Vitamin B, in foods and supplements, is linked to acne. This is truer more for vitamin B12 (methylcobalamin or cyanocobalamin — new research is deepening our understanding of the molecular mechanisms behind this effect) but also for vitamin […]

FORMALDEHYDE: Allergen or Not An Allergen?

AllergenNotAllergen28 2019 Formaldehyde 29032019

Allergen Formaldehyde Among the top 20 contact allergens on published lists, formaldehyde was the American Contact Dermatitis Society‘s Allergen of the Year in 2015 and is found in many, many things that we use every day, including: Laundry products House cleaning products (furniture polishing, surface disinfecting, floor cleaning, etc.) Medicinal ointments and creams; some dental disinfectants; some medical devices like orthopedic […]

UBE (purple yam): Allergen or Not An Allergen?

AllergenNotAllergen26 2019 Ube 29032019

Not An Allergen Ube This root vegetable is famous for its striking, Prince-worthy purple color and is native to the Philippines, where it comes in several varieties and is a staple in savory and sweet dishes. Possibly because of its relative newness, it is not a common contact allergen. It is already known to be […]

CHAMOMILE: Allergen or Not An Allergen?

AllergenNotAllergen25 2019 Chamomile 29032019

Allergen Chamomile Its dried leaves make the beloved herbal tea, but chamomile belongs to the Asteraceae (compositae) family of plants, which includes arnica and chrysanthemum, and which is a top contact allergen. The nobilin in sweet chamomile and desacetylmatricarin in German chamomile are sequiterpenes, also top published contact allergens. Food and skin allergies aren’t straightforward, so work with your dermatologist if […]

PARABEN MIX: Allergen or Not An Allergen?

AllergenNotAllergen24 2019 ParabenMix MultiProductsBxW 29032019

Allergen Paraben Mix Paraben Mix is on published lists of common contact allergens, and includes Benzyl-, Butyl-, Ethyl-, Methyl-, and Propyl Paraben. As far as hypoallergenicity is concerned, if you have sensitive skin (and certainly if you have patch tested positive for them), it’s best to steer clear of parabens. Other health scares are less straightforward. A 2004 […]

DEAD SEA/DEAD SEA SALT & MUD: Allergen or Not An Allergen?

AllergenNotAllergen23 2019 DeadSea 29032019 1

Not An Allergen Dead Sea/Dead Sea Salt & Mud Salt is not on published lists of common allergens and — when pure, unbleached, unprocessed, and without other allergens in a formulation — can be a yummy surface-exfoliating scrub for your skin. The Dead Sea, the saltiest and deepest lake on earth, is a popular tourist destination in […]

KITTY: Allergen or Not An Allergen?

AllergenNotAllergen22 2019 Cat 29032019

Not An Allergen Kitty I have super sensitive skin, with lots of positive reactions on my patch test. This means owning a cat is definitely out of the question, right? Maybe…but maybe not. Cats do produce allergens, most commonly in their sebaceous glands and saliva (which is then transferred onto its dander during grooming) but these […]

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